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Bringing Up Finance

Eric Fitzpatrick

Eric Fitzpatrick

Bringing Up Finance

Bringing Up Finance: Empowering Your Financial Journey with Compassion and Guidance.  

Member: Eric Fitzpatrick


Decode financial intel: We simplify financial jargon and empower you to make informed decisions.

Execute your financial campaign: We create tailored plans to achieve your financial goals, from homeownership, entrepreneurial goals, dream vacations and ultimately living your Blessed Life.

Comrades in arms: We offer ongoing support and accountability, celebrating your victories along the way.

With Bringing Up Finance, you are not alone. Transition with confidence and achieve the financial freedom you deserve.


We empower military families to navigate the financial complexities of civilian life, guiding them towards a secure future and achieving their dreams.

We are a veteran owned financial coaching company dedicated to guiding military families through a successful transition to civilian life. We translate complex financial concepts into actionable strategies, providing personalized roadmaps and unwavering support to help you conquer financial challenges and achieve your dreams.

Contact Information:

Bringing Up Finance

Clarksville, TN


Phone: 931-551-2728

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